A couple smiling against white background.

Incognito lingual braces

The gold standard of near-invisible orthodontic treatments.

Lingual braces sit behind the teeth, meaning all people see is the result!

What are lingual braces?

Incognito or lingual braces are among the most discreet braces available. These braces are lingual – meaning that they are fitted to the back, not the front, of the teeth. They are practically invisible in everyday life, so you can improve your smile without needing to feel self-conscious about it.

Incognito’s lingual options provide all the benefits of fixed braces. Although it can take up to two years to complete treatment, many patients start to notice results they want to show off within a matter of months.

Lingual braces illustration
Two girls taking a selfie

See the difference, not the braces

  • Incognito lingual braces are appropriate for most patients.
  • 100% customised to the shape of your teeth for comfort.
  • Low profile means minimal or no interference with speech.

How your lingual braces work

1 Get an assessment to see if you’re a candidate.

Daniel O'Connor talking to his client

If you can be treated with traditional braces, you’re a good candidate for Incognito.

During your initial consultation at our Perth orthodontic clinic we will determine whether Incognito lingual braces will be suitable for your treatment. Dr O’Connor will be able to answer your questions about the process, including an estimate of the time required to get the results you’re after. There’s no obligation to proceed.

2 Preview the changes

Dental impression mold with purple material

There’s no need for those old plaster impressions. To ensure a perfect fit, a comfortable 3D scan is taken of your teeth, which will be used to create your unique lingual braces.

3 Fitting your Incognito lingual braces

Close-up of a gold orthodontic bracket

All Incognito braces are custom-made. To ensure a perfect fit, Dr O’Connor will first take precise impressions of your teeth, which will be used to create your unique lingual brace. Your brace will then be fitted in a process which should last no more than two hours, and is painless.

4 Fast adjustments

Daniel O'Connor conducting a check-up on his patient.

Once your braces have been fitted, you will need to visit the practice every six to eight weeks to check how your treatment is progressing and to make any necessary adjustments to the wire.

5 Ongoing care program

Smiling woman with long dark hair in a white blouse

The full Incognito braces treatment will usually take between 12 and 24 months. One you have the lingual braces off, we provide 12 months after care follow ups.


How will lingual braces affect my lifestyle?

Lingual braces require a little extra care ant attention when it comes to oral hygiene. They can make traditional flossing more difficult, though water-pick and other pick options can help keep your teeth food-remnant-free.

How much do Incognito braces cost?

Because Incognito treatment needs are different for each individual case, we will give you an accurate cost after your orthodontic consultation.

Book an appointment with Solas Orthodontics in Wembley.